Tres eran tres, las participantes de Mola coser...
¡¡¡y tres son tres, los regalos que vamos a repartir!!!
Evitta, Iris y Sfer sacan a pasear su espíritu navideño para repartir tres regalos sorpresa entre aquellos que, entre hoy día 3 y el viernes día 5 de diciembre, dejen un comentario en esta entrada, indicando una dirección de correo electrónico para poder ponernos en contacto con l@s afortunad@s ganadores. No os podemos asegurar que recibiréis el regalo la noche de Reyes, pero prometemos no retrasarnos mucho más.
Animaos, y no os olvidéis que en Sew Mama Sew han hecho una lista con todos los blogs que hoy día 3 de diciembre estarán regalando cosas. ¡A pasearse y participar!
For our international readers :-)
We'll be givin away three surprise handmade presents to three people chosen from those of you who leave a comment on this post between the 3rd and the 5th of December. Make sure you leave an email address so that we can contact you!! The gift will be a surprise, and hopefully you will receive it by the 6th of January, a special "gift" day here in Spain.
And remember to visit Sew Mama sew for the complete list of blogs that are going to be giving away handmade presents today!!
La lista de blogs que hoy están haciendo regalos ya está en Sew Mama Sew.
¡A participar!
142 comentarios:
i love surprises please count me in
ooo i love surprises!!
count me in!!
Eeeei, noies!!! Quina sorpresa!!!
Doncs compteu amb mi!
Surprises are the best! Count me in! :D
una sorpresa de espana.me encanta esa idea! y tambien puedo practicar mi espanol(desgracamiento no es tan bueno)
I too love surprises!
Hello from Belgium!! I love a little mystery, count me in!!
I would like to participate if possible.
Yo también I love surprises, please count me in :D
love surprises... thanks
Surprises are terrific. I would like to be counted in.
I love surprises too!! Count me in please.
I'd love to win a surprise goodie. Thanks for the chance!
Excellent giveaway!
Please count me in!!
Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
Please pick me! I'll love to see how your work looks like. It always looks so pretty!
I like the mystery gift idea. It adds a whole new level of excitement to the mix! Please count me in!
Me gustan muchas las sorpresas!
Sfer: I would love you to be in the pay it forward. I will be stalking you to find out what to make you. Please can you send me your address to nbrucher (at) t-online (dot) de
I would like to play! :)
M'agrada molt aquesta pàgina, ànim noies seguiu així.
Per cert soc la mare de la Iris.
I'd love to be entered! A surprise is so much fun!
i adore surprises. am in!
my blog:
I love surprises too. Please count me in!
ayyyy que curiosidaaaadddd
muero por saber qué es!!!
How very fun to do a surprise giveaway! Please enter me!
shawnamariehenry at yahoo.com
A surprise prize, what fun!
Please enter me.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
A surprise! Yippie!
Count me in. I love surprises.
That should be nice. :D
And I'm with the give-away day too if you want to check my blog: http://infinitadiversidade.blogspot.com
Que bien -- me encanta una sorpresa. El nombre de su blog refiere a las molas de los Kuna en Panama? Saludos...
Mil gracias por su generosidad! Me pueden contactar por correo: montessorirevolution@gmail.com o por mi blog: www.sewliberated.typepad.com.
I love surprises. Count me in.
A surprise giveaway? What a great idea.
How exciting. Hope I win!!
Something to look forward too, thanks!
Surprises are so much fun!!!
I would love to win =)
Surprises! Long time didn't get any surprises, count me in!
I love your work. Can't wait to see what the prize is.
Thanks for hosting the contest.
Noies, noies, noies... sou unes autèntiques màquines de cosir!I mai millor dit. Només volia felicitar-vos per la feina que feu. I gràcies Evitta, per tú ja saps què... Jo sóc la mestressa del magnífic estoig per al tabac de liar que hi ha penjat al bloc!!
Petons a totes tres!
Would love to be surprised =)
Muchas gracias para la oportunidad.
I'm always game for a good surprise!
I love a surprise.
Oh my oh my, I wonder what it could be! Por favor, count me in. <3 Ah, my Spanish is far too rusty to actually comment in the language. Forgive me!
How exciting! A prize from Spain!! Wish me luck!
Surprises are so much fun! stephanie AT ourhomelearning DOT com
Ala... cuanta gente!!! Qué emocionante!!!! :-D
(Si hasta está la mami de la Iris!!! HOLA, LUPE!!!)
To Natasha: I just sent you an email. Yay, another PIF!!
To cygnetsmall: "mola coser" se puede traducir como "sewing rocks!" or "sewing rules!" or "sewing is cool!"... más o menos. Así que no, nada que ver con Panama, pues nosotras tres somos españolas, de Barcelona :-)
Vanessa, hola!!!
Envidia me das, de ese porta-vicios tan chulo!! Aunque tu idea de usarlo para las gafas también mola un montón... Tendré que pedirle consejo a Evitta.
Igual tienes suerte y te toca otra obra maestra!! XD
what a cute pink site you have! thanks for your generosity!
Please include me! Surprises are the best!
Cool!! kamyrensmiles@hotmail.com
Surprises from Spain, how delightful. Please enter me. :)
knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Oh this is the best kind of giveaway - surprises are the best!! And looking around your site, I love your stuff, so I'm sure any surprise from you would be lovely:)
I love surprises. Please count me in!
surprises are such fun!
Greetings from Germany! I'm excited to possibly get a neat surprise!
Thanks, and Happy Holidays!
Some of the best things in life are surprises. I can't wait!
It's like a grab bag...I'll take one :o)!
Surprises sound fun!
My email: stuart434 AT shaw DOT ca
...I'd like soooo much to win your great giveaway, I love surprises...so I'll keep my fingers crossed, goodness knows if Fortune will smile on me! ;o)
A big hug from Italy and thanks again so much for this chance!
I's love to win your giveaway!
Greetings from Italy! :)
Yay! Surprises are so much fun.
who doesn't love a surprise?
mmm sorpresas! que bueno! sara_hemmeke at hotmail dot com
Hey Guay en español!!! Yo me apunto a tu give away!
Eep! que yo también quiero!!
Ala!! que aluvión de comentarios... no hay nada como regalar algo para que se nos quite la pereza por teclear!! ;)
I love surprises!!! Count me in!
how exciting!
Oh, count me in - I love surprises.
Hi! Thanks for the chance! I'm loving giveaway day ;)
Hooray for sorpresas! Thanks for taking part!
How fun! What a nice thing to do!!!
jinglesells at gmail dot com
Me gusta sorpresas. Gracias para la opurtunidad de practicar el espanol.
A surprise from Spain - how cool! Thanks!
Lovely! I think I'm going to have to knit myself an ipod cover now, yours are adorable.
I love surprises. Please count me in!
I would love a suprise too,especially a good one!
Thanks for the contest.
I love surprises, this is so much fun!
Yay for surprises!
Hello from Cyprus! I love surprises too!
Sounds fun!
Surprise gift? I love surprises. Please count me in. I am in the USA.
Oh, a surprise! Thanks so much for doing a giveaway!
Fiesta de Los Tres Reyes Mages.
Am I right?
Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar
weinjodn @ yahoo . com
I'm in! :D
Thank you for this giveaway opportunity!
What fun, a surprise!
how fun...count me in!
I would love a chance to win a surprise!
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
I always love surprises, please count me in!
Me gustan las sorpresas! Yippee!
Thanks for a super giveaway!
jjdragonfly [at] gmail [dot] com
Que sorpresa nos guardais?
Porque sois impredecibles, que se os habra ocurrido ahora?
Ya estoy esperando ver que sera!!!!!!uyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
I love a surprise.
love surprises!! thanks for participating... this is a fun way to spend a day home sick!
Oh I love surprises. Please do count me in :)
ragtrader3 at gmail dot com.
love surprises
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
adoro surpresas!!
o que será??
Ojala que gane!
surprises and something handmade...fun!
Surprises rock!
I'd love to enter your contest. Thanks for your generosity.
oh this is neat! Can't wait to see what they prizes are!
I love surprises!
Surprises are wonderful!
crazydavises at gmail dot com
i am a surprise kind of gal.
I love surprises!
me encantaria recibir una de las sorpresas de ustedes. Gracias por ofrecerlas!
This would be absolutely lovely to win and I hope I do because I think would flip!
Thanks so much for the chance too!
e-mail: perfectpunkin@yahoo.com
Ooooh surprise gifts! Cool!
I like surprises!
ala, que fort, quanta penya!
If you are shipping overseas, please count me in too. :)
Thanks for your generosity and joining give-away day!
Hola xiketes,
Estic esperant aquest catàleg que no arriba oi Evitta??
Compteu amb mi!!
Si bueno si! I would love to get a surprise. Check my giveaway at http://keilah76.blogspot.com/
I'm so glad you've left your giveaway open a few extra days! A surprise would be awesome.
Mola coser, molen les coses tant bufones que feu i molen els regals sorpresa! jo en vull un, nenes!
I love surprises, too, as long as they are not the surprise of, oh, say, a mouse jumping out at me! Surprises from Spain are good, though!
Just Pure Lovely
oooh, me encantan sorpresas! i hope to win! thanks!
Please enter me, por favor! :)
I would love to win, whatever. lsmucker@hotmail.com
I'm so glad giveaway day has been extended!!! Please enter me in the drawing. Your stuff looks fantastic.
How fun! Who doesn't love surprises? Muchas gracias~
I love a good surprise!
How exciting. I love surprises.
Ooo! A surprise! Sounds like fun! :u) Thank you!
hola crafy amigos!! i love surprises :) thanks for sharing.
Surprise me!
What a great idea! A surprise gift would be a lot of fun.
Una sorpresa, que bien! Hooray, I'd love to win a surprise!
Hugs & Blessings!
yay!! surprises are cool!
I love surprises, pleae count me in!
Me gustaria ganar-- me encantan las sorpresas.
Little surprises are actually surprising!
Merry christmas :))
Please enter me in your surprise giveaway.
Surprises! How fun! And, Thanks.
las sorpresas me encantan!
abrazos de Italia
Count me in please...I love suprises...Tam xo
Me encantan las sorpresas y deseo ser una de las afotunadas!! Felicidades por vuestro "laborioso" blog!!
How exciting! Thanks for the chance!
Però quin èxit!!! m'havia guardat el missatge per participar i avui entro (quasi al límit) i veig que ja teniu 141 missatges!.
Apa, que jo també m'apunto.
Un petó
I love surprises! Pick me please! : )
How fun, I love surprises!
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