miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2009

¡Ya está aquí! - It's here!



[English version below!]

Una persona suertuda de cualquier parte del mundo, elegida al azar por random.org, ganará la versión 1.0 del monedero casita (ver foto), y un buen puñado de cositas para coser (algunos trozitos de telas de patchwork, un buen puñado de botones y un par de metros de cinta).

Y para participar, sólo tenéis que dejar un comentario en esta entrada diciéndonos qué es lo que más os gusta de Mola Coser :-)

Si no veis vuestro mensaje inmediatamente no os preocupéis: poco a poco irán apareciendo todos.

El lunes día 7 cerraremos los comentarios y haremos el sorteo.
¡Suerte y gracias por daros un paseo por aquí!

PS: No os olvidéis de pasar por el blog de Sew Mama Sew para ver la lista completa (que seguro que será larga!) de blogs que están haciendo sorteos hoy. Todavía no está publicada, pero lo estará en algunas horas.


One lucky person from anywhere in the world, chosen at random by random.org, will win version 1.0 of the house pouch (see photo), and a handful of sewing supplies (some fabric scraps, a whole bunch of buttons and a couple of meters of sewing tape).

To participate, just leave a message on this post telling us what you like best about Mola Coser :-)

If you don't see your message immediately, don't worry: little by little they will all come up.

We will close comments and announce the winner on Monday 7th.
Good luck and thanks for coming over!

PS: Don't forget that you can check the whole list of blogs participating in giveaway day over at Sew Mama Sew. It's not yet published but it will be in several hours.

134 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

...well, I've found out your blog only today, but I can say without doubt that I love the serene atmosphere I've "breathed" here! :o)

Thanks so much for this generous chance, I'll keep my fingers crossed for it!
Hugs from Italy,

Tanya dijo...

Hi! Well, what can I say. I love it that you blog is in Spanish and I love your photos. Thanks for such a lovely giveaway

Leslie L dijo...

I love your photos! Especially the one with the giant knitting needles!

Wicca dijo...

I hope I'll get lucky this time...

Just love your crafts!

Emma dijo...

Hola guapas... desde alemania siempre und vistazo a Barna...lo que mas me gusto y me hizo reir...

... dijo...

thanks for suck lovely giveaway:) pouch looks fabulous

Lia dijo...

I love your inspirations

Michele dijo...

Wonderful inspiration! Thanks!

RosaMaría dijo...

lo que más me gusta es el nombre!!! ("mola" sólo se dice sólo en España, verdad?)... el monedero de casita está re-lindo! me da gusto haber encontrado tu blog! saludos desde México!
ps. yo también tengo un sorteo!! http://lavidacompartida.blogspot.com/

Mare dijo...

Acabo de descubrir tu blog, pero tb acabo de descubrir que fue muy agradble bloggear en español, y me encantó la foto del caos!

Needled Mom dijo...

I have enjoyed the photography in your blog and I appreciate the fact that it is translated into English.

Melissa dijo...

I am new here, too, but I love the beautiful images on your blog!

lesleyandsara dijo...

your blog has the most wonderful photographs. nice work!


Anónimo dijo...

your work is beautiful! happy giveaway day! here's my giveaway http://www.simplymodernmom.com/2009/12/the-gift-box-a-giveaway/

Anónimo dijo...

what a parade of color! thank you for the opportunity.


Gracie "Neky White" dijo...

hola! me apunto para el giveaway, hace tiempo descubrí su blog y lo que más me gusta de él es que ponen fotos de cosas curiosas de costura y que además las cosas que hacen son muy inspiracionales! Saludos desde México ^^

Mama Lusco dijo...

Thank you for the giveaway! It's fun to read through your blog. It makes me remember my Spanish classes :) alusco@centurytel.net

Sarah Seitz dijo...

You have lovely pictures! The house pouch is adorable!

Candace dijo...

cute little pouch!

Genevieve P dijo...

I love the gorgeous things you make! Can't say much else, since I don't read spanish! : )

Jenny dijo...

I absolutely love your little house coin purse...that is so awesome!

Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway, very generous!

Anónimo dijo...

I love how original your pouch is! Fabulous...

Kat dijo...

I like to practice reading in Spanish and seeing all the cute things you make. Thanks for the giveaway. Kat.

Erica dijo...

How great! Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I must say, I would love to spend hours in the Mokuba shop! Lovely!

Sarah dijo...

Love the house pouch giveaway

Cori Lewis dijo...

Very cute.

Unknown dijo...

I love Spain...studied abroad in college and can't wait to get back. Barcelona is beautiful!

Tara dijo...

Well, my favorite was the Sit and Knit with librarians sign, I laughed out loud! Thanks for the chance to win and keep up the good work!

Kuki dijo...

Me gusto mucho la blusa que se publico en el post del 28 de agosto en particular y en general que es una de las pocas paginas en español con excelente material para quienes gustamos de las manualidades.

Gracias por la oportunidad de participar en tu sorteo.



mon ami dijo...

ooooh, the house pouch is so cute. I too have only just discovered your blog and while I can't read Spanish I really like your visuals.

thanks for sharing

free indeed dijo...

thanks for having an English version. Wish you whole blog was translated so I could read it...the pictures are interesting and I'd like to read about htem

sandyandcosmo dijo...

I love your little house pouch!

sewfunky dijo...

wow - so much creativity on your blog! Loving all the neat posts!

Please enter me in the draw!

Mari dijo...

That House pouch is beautiful and so fun! I just took a quick look through your blog and look forward to returning for a good read soon. I love that your across the pond and I can now follow what's happening craft wise in Barcelona. Your blog looks so colourful and fun.
Thank you for sharing.
Besos desde Mallorca

Aaron and Consuelo dijo...

I also found your blog for the first time. Beautiful crafts and pictures.

kelly o! dijo...

Wonderful giveaway, thank you for offering!

Your blog is lovely, and the pictures are very inspiring.

Tong dijo...

aww that little house pouch is so cute!! thanks for hosting the giveaway!

jojoebi-designs dijo...

what lovely goodies, I am so glad sew mama sew did this, I am finding loads of great new blogs, I will be back for a better look around...

mommymae dijo...

i wish i could read spanish so i could comprehend everything that goes with your gorgeous photos.

Sofia ;) dijo...

Great inspiration there!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!!
Thanks for the chance...
Hugs from Greece

Tanya dijo...

Sadly, I dont know spanish, wish I had taken it in university. I love the little house zippered pouch you have here in a post! Just sweet.

Ellyn dijo...

how adorable is that little house? THAT is what I like best about your pretty blog! Thanks for the giveaway

Joanna dijo...

I love the house pouch; that is such a cute design. I hope I win.

Lindsey G dijo...

Loved the sweet crocheted bunny in one of your November posts!


crazyestonian dijo...

Me encanta ese casita! Y tambien me encanta muchisímo su primer amigurumi - Totoro :) Puede decirnos, dondé encontraste patrón?

Anónimo dijo...

I love the house pouch. Great pictures on your blog.

Julie S dijo...

Since this is my first visit to your blog, and since I don't know spanish, I guess the best thing about your blog is the giveaway!!!

Unknown dijo...

Your blog is new to me and I will have to spend some time looking around! I love the guy knitting with the giant needles!

Jessica Jo dijo...

I like the fact that you are doing a giveaway!

Heather dijo...

I am sooo thankful that you post in English as well! :-) I love all the pretty pictures on your blog.
THanks so much for the giveaway. I will keep my fingers crossed!
Happy Holidays!

Jodi Renshaw dijo...

I love this on your blog: http://molacoser.blogspot.com/2009/05/200.html and all the other wonderful craft inspirations!!!

Thanks for the giveaway :)


Anónimo dijo...

I only speak English, but I love the pictures on your blog!

Thanks for the giveaway! If I should happen to win, please let me know - elizabethdaming(AT)yahoo(DOT)com

Jessica dijo...

I have just come across your blog today, but I am excited to start reading it regularly. Thanks for a chance to win.

Miss Prickly dijo...

I just clicked on your link for free sewing patterns. I've never seen that before. It's really neat! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Jules@MoonCatFarms dijo...

What a lovely blog. Thank you so much for a chance to win the goodies.

katevet dijo...

that's easy, I love the photos!
great big hug from Israel!
good luck to all!

Kim dijo...

I love the house pouch! How cute!

And I've loved reading through your blog-- I love your crafts!

Thanks for the chance to enter!

kimmieluwho at yahoo dot ca

Gill dijo...

hi i enjoyed your blog on ivano vitali - wow - i don't think i'll be following his example though!
gill x

baukje dijo...

Lovely the pouch, I also made a house bag, look at my blog!!!

miss fancy dijo...

Hiya from Australia - your house pouch is super duper cute! Ahhh I miss Spain - visiting your blog is brings back lovely memories - thankyou!

sarah in the woods dijo...

Lovely! Thanks for the opportunity. I love the house pouch and the little animals.

Paula dijo...

Pues lo que mola del blog es que mola coser ;^)

La verdad es que para una mega principiante como yo, todo es inspiración estupenda.

Muchas gracias por compartir!

Anónimo dijo...

I love that your blog is in Spanish, so my time spent reading craft blogs is in some way educational. :-)
Saludos desde Londres!

Anónimo dijo...

Siempre me ha encantado coser, y ahora despues de ver este blog me e enamorado de la tecnica del pachtwork, tengo unas ganas locas por provar de todo, y me encanta vuestro blog!! Aqui teneis una seguidora más!!

Unknown dijo...

lo que mas me gusta son las cosas que hacen ustedes dos, y , como soy nueva en barcelona, saber donde hay tiendas para comprar materiales.

Saludetes y Besetes!


Unknown dijo...

The stitching on your November 22 entry is BEAUTIFUL! everything is very inspiring!

Trudy dijo...

I love how unique and artsy your projects are. One that stands out right now is the slice of bread. How cute.

Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. I am also doing a giveaway. I have two blogs, www.sewingwithtrudy.blogspot.com and www.artisticcreationswithtrudy.blogspot.com

My 9 year old daughter is having a giveaway on her sewing blog as well, www.sewingsister.blogspot.com

Hope you'll stop by and have a look around and enter our giveaways.

Have a blessed day.


Anónimo dijo...

I love the pictures- and that house pouch is adorable. Thank you! I love entering a comment with the different languages, although here in California, we do see lots of Spanish.

Amber dijo...

I love the site design!

sandandstarfish dijo...

i love that you bring such a flare of culture to the rest of us. :) makes me feel like i'm traveling!
yawkar618 at yahoo dot com
hope I win!
happy holidays!

Katie dijo...

I just found your blog today and I LOVE the photo you posted of the giant knitting! Very cool.

Marjorie dijo...

Beautiful pouchl very creative! Please enter me.

Shirley dijo...

One thing that I like, because I don't understand the language, is that then I don't feel quilty if I just look at the pictures!

Anónimo dijo...

Yo entiendo suficiente espanol para leer tu blog, y me encanta tus bordados especialmente los carteles de exhibiciones de artesanias y arte que pones en tu pagina.

However, I had to have my sister-in-law translate that for me; I read better than I speak/write!


Brooke dijo...

I really like the cute pouch! Always can use those! I am amazed at all the international participants, so great to see!

rheawhite dijo...

I love that you have both Spanish and English on your blog!

Kathleen dijo...

I love your use of bright colors and crisp clear photography! I also like that your blog in in spanish, giving me a chance to brush up on mi espanol!

Cal dijo...

Bueno, me gusto mucho tu corazon que dice Mola Coser. Y ademas me gusta la falda cuba libre, la encontre genial.

Laura dijo...

I love the generosity. :) Thanks!


Unknown dijo...

I love your skirt at http://molacoser.blogspot.com/2009/07/mi-primera-falda-2-el-resultado.html I just found your blog from sew mama sew, but am excited to keep up! Plus I like to see photos of Barca as I was there for ~5 months a few years back. =)

Lynn Osborne dijo...

So cute! Thanks for the chance to win.

Helen dijo...

It's lovely to see something of another country. I do wish I could read spanish!

flauteta dijo...

Me encanta este blog! Hace un tiempo que lo sigo y resigo. Me gusta el cariño que se ve en cada trabajo que aparece aqui. Me gusta cómo dais a conocer muchas cosas. Y sonrío mucho. Y siguen ganas de aprender, a regresar a la manufactura.

Muchos besos!

Betsy dijo...

Gracias por la oportunidad de ganar. Felicidades.

djaj dijo...

I really like your blog, because it's a window opened on a brand new world ! I loved the paper knitting ball...
Thanks for the giveaway !

Rebecca dijo...

Love the variety in crafts that you feature!

by Daisy dijo...

qué me gusta más? el problema es decir sólo una cosa! me encanta todo!!!

abrazos desde Portugal!

liberal sprinkles dijo...

cute pouch! I like all the posters you've posted, and I especially love that post on the art made from newspaper (if I understood correctly?). That's a brilliant way of reusing newsprint!

Spendlove dijo...

How fun! I love the bag, it's darling -thanks for the chance!

ilovebabyquilts dijo...

You take some great photos! I love that house clutch, so cute!

CMEH dijo...

What an awesome pouch and a great giveaway. Thank you so much for doing it! I LOVE The pouch and am keeping my fingers crossed!

Anónimo dijo...

You have a wonderful showcase of crafts. That little house bag is super cute.

Jessica dijo...

Unfortunately I can't read most of your lovely blog though the photos are intriguing, especially the one of the man with the giant knitting needles... I wonder if that has anything to do with a lady that I read about who does supersized crochet...? I love your house pouch so thanks for doing the giveaway.

sy dijo...

thanks for hosting the giveaway! love your totoro and guitars!

alli b dijo...

Great giveaway.


miller lawn service dijo...

I only just found your blog today, but I enjoyed glancing at it. You have great ideas!

Lola dijo...


Que bueno encontrar tu blog. Vivo en Estados Unidos y me encanta coser.

Ojala y un dia pueda visitar Espana.

Jingle dijo...

You have so many cute things on your blog! I love the little chic a few posts down! So adorable!
jinglesells at gmail dot com

The Sewing Dork dijo...

That little house pouch - I want to shrink and crawl inside for a nap! How cute!

Anónimo dijo...

i can't understand a lot of it, but i like the tutorial section!


itsgottabeodin dijo...

Your site is really creative. Thanks for doing a giveaway this year!


marcela dijo...

Me alegro mucho que participes en este sorteo. No conocia este blog. Tengo que pasar mucho tiempo mas para poder leer todo con mas detalle y mas descansada. Me encantaron las fotos que tienes en esta pagina. Me llamo mucho la atencion ese "posting" con la lanad de periodico? Que increible! los palillos enormes!
Gracias por el regalo. Cruzare mis dedos para la suerte.

luke and pamela dijo...

i love that you are in spain. i used to live in valencia and am always searching for spanish blogs to follow. thanks!

fiona dijo...

hello! nice "meeting" you. the house pouch is cute. a great idea.

Deb (Two Cheeky Monkeys) dijo...

I love the gorgeous photos you include in your blog posts! I especially like the embroidery and sewing pictures :)

Susana dijo...

Olá de Portugal! I love the giant knitting needles too. I'm going to poke around some and am sure to see more stuff I like. Thanks for the giveaway! Gràcies! Gracias! Obrigada!

Kaye Prince dijo...

I really like all of your photos, they're great! Thanks for the chance to win your awesome prize!

rockgranny dijo...

Thanks for lovely giveaway, pouch looks fabulous.
A knitting man looks so funny.
Thanks for the giveaway,

Kristi Lou dijo...

La casa es muy divertida! Me gusta much!

Paz, amor y dinero, y el tiempa para gustarlos!

BixiandGoxi dijo...

I love the possibility to improve my spanish skills. Thank you for the giveaway!
Greetings from Germany!

Anónimo dijo...

You have such a lovely blog! Thank you for the chance to win. :)

Rhonda dijo...

What I like best about this site is the unique projects you've shown. Very cool. Thanks for letting me enter. I think the little wallet is adorable. : )
rl.gillette @ gmail . com

Fowl Single File dijo...

Congratulations on your first amigurumi! That little blue guy is cute! Thanks for offering such a wonderful giveaway.

Grace Wong dijo...

I love this place because it's really teaching me some spanish!

TxWoods dijo...

thanks for the change on your giveaway....

Dr. Bec dijo...

love your sewing table--looks just like mine!

Lucie dijo...

those little knitted animals are absolutely priceless.
Lucie (LAupperlee@sheppardpratt.org)

Anónimo dijo...

What do I like best? I like that the blog is written in Spanish, so I get to guess the content based on the pictures, some of which are very amusing! And I like using Google translator from time to time, because it really doesn't do a very good job, and that makes translations very funny! :-)

Madeleine dijo...

I love your pictures! Thanks for the great giveaway! Happy holidays!

misszucchini at yahoo dot ca

Amy dijo...

The house pouch is so cute, what a creative idea... Your blog looks great, I just wish I was able to read it...I may just have to bother my husband to translate for me! :) Thanks for the giveaway.

Blancei dijo...

I love the photography! Thanks for the great giveaway!

♥Lola dijo...

I just love looking at all your beautiful work! And your spanish blog! :)


Virgínia dijo...

Hola! The thing that I liked the most here at your blog is that it is creative, and it does'nt look like any other craft blog!.. I will come back for sure!
Um abraço de Portugal!

lapájara dijo...

Lo que más me gusta de este blog son los links... ¡tantas cosas interesantes se hacen!

Verde Wasabi dijo...

No sé como he ido a parar a tu blog... pero me he tirado un buen rato curioseando... felicidades por tus creaciones y tu blog!! Me apunto muchas ideas y tiendas de BCN! Un saludo!

Unknown dijo...

So cute! I love it. Thanks for posting.

K. Anne dijo...

please enter me in your giveaway!

FlowerMomma dijo...

Your photos are great. I am a photographer too.

pippirose dijo...

I love the photography in your blog.
Thanks for the chance to enter this wonderful giveaway.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com

Breanna S. dijo...

thank you for providing english! I love blogs that are multi cultural.

StephanieS dijo...

You have great photos of your work, close up to show detail and very clear. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anónimo dijo...

Very nice! I hope I win


Kimberly dijo...

I love the your blog is bilingual! :)
Thanks for the giveaway!

Tana dijo...

Lo que más me gusta... difícil quedarse con una cosa: vuestras creaciones, la originalidad de las fotos, los viajes y los descubrimientos costuriles que haceis en ellos, la forma de expresaros...
Besos de lunes para las tres ^^