domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

¡Sorteo! - Giveaway!

En español:

Últimamente he heredado bastantes telitas en tonos blancos y azules, así que para esta (es la tercera?) edición del sorteo mundial que organiza Sew Mama Sew he preparado un pequeño lote con algunos trozitos de telas y algunos metros de cintas/puntillas/rikrak de color blanco.
Las telas son cortes extraños. No llegan a ser un fat quarter y hay diez estampados diferentes.
De cintas hay ocho diferentes, y hay algo más de un metro de cada una.
Yo estoy pensando en hacer un par de cojines con las telas. Con el pack que he preparado, habrá más que suficiente para hacer un par de partes delanteras de cojín en plan patchwork. Y las cintas... bueno, solo con mirarlas ya soy feliz!

El sorteo está abierto a todo el mundo mundial, y para participar solo tenéis que dejar un comentario en ESTE post (los comentarios en OTROS posts no contarán) diciéndonos desde donde nos escribís y a qué os dedicáis (chafardera!). Aseguraos de que puedo ponerme en contacto con vosotros en caso de que hayáis ganado. Aceptaremos comentarios hasta el viernes 21 y elegiremos un ganador el sábado 22 via

In English:

I have lately been inheriting pieces of fabric in white and blue tones, so for this (is it the third?) edition of the Sew Mama Sew world giveaway I have prepared a little package with scraps of fabric and some yards of trims/lace/rikrak/ in whites.
The fabrics are cut sord of weird. They are smaller than a fat quarter, and there's ten different prints.
There's eight different trims, and each one measures a little over a yard.
I'm thinking about making a couple of pillows with the fabrics. With the pack that I'm giving away there should be enough to make a couple of tops for two patchworked pillows. And the trims... oh well, it makes me so happy just to look at them!

The giveaway is open to everyone around the world, and to participate you just have to leave a comment in THIS post (comments on OTHER posts will not be considered), telling us where you are writing from and what you do for a living (nosy me!). Make sure you leave a way for me to contact you in case you win. We will accept comments until Friday the 21st and pick a winner via on Saturday the 22nd.


298 comentarios:

1 – 200 de 298   Más reciente›   El más reciente»
Bigunki dijo...

Yo me apunto, aunque lo que hago habitualmente es amigurumi, tengo en seguirr aprendiendo a coser, así que me vendrían muy bien para cuando avance un poco.

Esther dijo...

Espero que ser la primera me de suerte.Escribo desde Barcelona y trabajo en una tienda,soy ama de casa, hago patch, punto de cruz, ganchillo,punto y cualquier cosa que se englobe dentro de las manualidades.

Carl@ dijo...

Me encantaría participar!!!!
Me llamo Carla soy de Argentina y me encanta tejer, coser, hacer manualidades en general.
Esos colores de tela son mis favoritos
Mi correo es
Espero tener suerte y muchas gracias!!!

arena dijo...

Son preciosisimas las telas y las cintas me encantan,se pueden hacer un monton de proyectos
Saludos de Arenaenlasmanos

Anita Chim Pum dijo...

Me apunto al sorteo!!

Yo te sigo desde Palencia y soy parada oficial (que no desocupada), estudiante (de un máster), opositora (este año será mi primera vez :S) y una colgada del handmade.

Un saludo,

Gladys dijo...

Hola! Qué bellezas esas telas y las cintas un sueño! Por favor, quisiera que me incluyan para el sorteo, les escribo desde Neuquén en la República de Argentina y me dedico a ser Ama de Casa y Patchera/Bordadora/Artesana! a mucha honra! Suerte para todas! Un fuerte abrazo y muchos BESOTES (son besos grandotes y es mi marca registrada)!!!

Paola dijo...

Hola, me llamo Paola, escribo desde Argentina. Trabajo como secretaria, pero en mi tiempo libre hago temblar la máquina de coser. Siempre me gustó coser, sobre todo ajuares de bebe; pero desde hace unos meses estoy enganchadisima con el patchwork, por lo que estas telitas me vendrían muy bien!
Me encanta el blog!

Anónimo dijo...

writing from Australia, I am and electrician, for my living I fix trains in Sydney
Love what I see On your blog, must babel it and read some more

Ana dijo...

hola me gustaria participar en tu sorteo ...oficialmente trabajo en un atienda pero por las noches hago manualidades gusta todo fieltro, punto de cruz carton...en fin todo
mi email es

lili dijo...

I'm Lili, I'm from Melbourne Australia, and I write books for teenagers!

(and can be found at emailbylili[at]

Samedimanche dijo...

Me apunto!!
Os escribo desde Barcelona ( de hecho, desde la calle Murtra, a ver si un día de estos saludo a Iris :D ).
he sido dependienta y recepcionista casi toda mi vida, pero ahora estoy en paro, así que puedo dedicarme a coser, a hacer amigurumi, punto, scrapbooking y lo que se tercie!!
Y, por cierto, qué pack tan bonito!

papeleros dijo...

Pues otro que se apunta. Te escribo desde el Sur, y aunque en casa no le pegamos a eso de la costura, sí que tenemos todos los utensilios que hacen falta para hacer un cojín, ja, ja, ja.....

Un besote desde Córdoba.

Martina dijo...

Lovely give away! I am from switzerland and I am housewife and teaching german classes!

Willa dijo...

Love blues......any blues. The trims are great. I understand getting pleasure from just looking at them!

I am mostly retired. Last real work was organizing watercolor painting workshops all over the US Canada and beyond!

Anya dijo...

Lovely fabrics in the giveaway! I am from Pennsylvania in the U.S. and I work as a stay-at-home mom! I don't get a traditional paycheck, but the rewards for my work are the best! Thanks for the chance.

gretamargreta dijo...

HOLA! i'm from east coast USA and i work in fitness/sports. love to win!

Patricia dijo...

Me apunto a ver si tengo suerte, muchas gracias por hacer el sorteo.


Vicki dijo...

writing from Kansas, USA. I take care of my 3 kiddos for a living but hope to get into selling quilt designs one day. And/or being a writer, editor.

myBearpaw dijo...

I live in Edinburgh, Scotland and I have my own shop selling homewares and gifts (sadly no craft supplies!) and I would love to get my hands on your lovely fabrics!

Kitty Vane dijo...

Thank you for having such a lovely giveaway.

I'm from Helsinki, Finland and I make soft toys and occasionally draw illustrations for a living. :)


Mandi Stephanie dijo...

haha i like the nosy me part! i am from canada and am a stay at home mom and newish sewing blogger :)
great blog and giveaway!

Little Miss S. dijo...

Such a great giveaway you are hosting. I'm a grad student in mathematics in Denmark and I love to quilt and knit. These fabrics are awesome.

sookhyun dijo...

thanks for the giveaway! the fabric is gorgeous! i'm from michigan and i am a medical student. i adore your blog :)

Anónimo dijo...

I am Laurie Anne from Toronto Canada and I am a stay at home mom.

Thank you for such a lovely giveaway!

Amapanther dijo...

Hola! Me llamo Amaranta, vivo en EEUU y me dedico a no ser ilegal, por lo cual soy bloggera ajajajaj si trabajara, entonces me correrían del pais, así que mejor escribo y publico gratis!
Muchas gracias por entrar a lo de los sorteos!!
mi correo es

(sin el espacio, sólo que lo dejo así porque si no, me llegan toneladas de correos basura)

Rafael's Mum dijo...

Hi ! I live in Ramsgate in the UK. I am a stay at home mum with our two kids. Nice to find your blog.

Amy dijo...

Hi there, I'm in San Francisco and I'm a stay at home mom. Thanks for the giveaway!

Made for You by Amy Plew dijo...

Great fabric! Thanks for the giveaway!

Lael dijo...

I live in Alabama USA and anm and environmental engineer.

Gill dijo...

I love blue and white and I collect blue and white china jugs!!


Eema-le dijo...

Really cool giveaway. I love blue and white. Thanks.

verykerryberry dijo...

Hola, I am in the UK, I am a music teacher, I teach babies, toddlers and children up to 6 years old. I love the trims

Trish dijo...

I would love to win your give-away!
I am a Registered Nurse.

Gracie "Neky White" dijo...

Cuenten conmigo por favor!! estan geniales las telas y las cintas!! *_* , bueno, pues les escribo desde méxico y actualmente me dedico a vagar, es decir, no tengo un empleo fijo pero ando haciendo cosillas costuriles pa' vender, ya saben =p.


Cristina dijo...

Ojalá haya suerte... Me encanta todo! Soy de un pueblecito de Barcelona y soy estudiante de derecho.

Skooks dijo...

I'm from the US and do data entry from home to earn my keep! :0


flygirl07 dijo...

I am from Fresno, CA. I am in college to become a nurse right now. I was a photographer at a portrait studio in Florida before we moved. :)
mjwebhome (at) yahoo (dot) com

Allison dijo...

lovely giveaway! i'm in kentucky, us and i'm a full-time grad student right now. i fill my time with studying and sewing.

Aimee dijo...

I'm in Northwestern Pennsylvania in the US & I'm a Stay-At-Home-Mom.


Jingle dijo...

I am in Massachusetts, US and I work in the tech industry, but it doesn't suit me at all! I LOVE your giveaway! That lace is to DIE for! Fabulous! jinglesells at gmail dot com

Anónimo dijo...

Hello! I live in Illinois, United states. I'm a stay at home mom of three kids who home school. I'm into knitting, spinning, and sewing. :)

The fabric colors you chose are so cheery!

Janessa dijo...

I am a stay at home mom! wouldn't change it for the world!

greeblygreebly dijo...

I am writing from home and I am a stay at home mom who homeschools.

The Schachts dijo...

I am writing from St. Louis, Missouri in Los EEUU. I am a Spanish teacher! I teach middle school kids! We're almost out for the school year! That means more sewing time for me! Yeah! I love these fabrics, they're gorgeous! Thank you!

A Joyful Chaos dijo...

I'm a homemaker from Pennsylvania I would love to be entered in your giveaway1

Lesly dijo...

Such a lovely giveaway! I am a professor of education at the university. Greetings from Kingston, Ontario, Canada!

Jessica dijo...

I'm from Georgia (about 2 hours outside Atlanta) and I am a stay-at-home mom. Love my job!

jesslinq at gmail dot com

Annette dijo...

I come from near Stuttgart, Germany and I'm working as a teacher in an university.

Thanks for the nice things

Unknown dijo...

It makes me happy to look at them, too. I live in California and I am an artist. Muchas Gracias.

Bren dijo...

I live in Southern California, USA. I am a stay at home mom. I tried to write my comment in Spanish but my Spanish is not very good. =D

Unknown dijo...

Great giveaway! I live in Olathe, KS, USA. I'm a computer programmer by day, and a crafter by night!

Miabuelateje dijo...

Me apuntooooooo. A mi me vendría genial para modelines para mis muñecas y son muy bonitas. Saludos chicas!

Unknown dijo...

Hi there! I am writing from Washington DC and I am in marketing for a small trade association! But I moonlight as a rogue quilter so this would be perfect for me! I'm at meg(dot)thurgood(at)gmail(dot)com.

Tanya dijo...

Hi, what fun things!

I'm from Nova Scotia, Canada and a stay at home mama who sells crafts!

Miabuelateje dijo...

Ole, he incumplido las normas, sorry.
Os escribo y leo desde Jaén y soy ingniera técnica agrícola...siempre al servicio del agricultor. En los ratos libre pico en mil cosas y termino muy pocas. Ahora con las muñecas blythe, el croché y miles de cosas en la cabeza por hacer algún día.
Ahora mejor, no? ;)

Jenny dijo...

hiya! lovely fabrics, would love to be the winner. Im from Indiana, USA and i stay home with my kids as a full time job! and hopefully try to find time for quilting in between times! thanks for a chance.

Michelle dijo...

I'm a stay at home mom in Oregon.

Jenny dijo...

sorry to comment twice, i clicked before saying...i probably can't be lucky enough to win your prize twice in arow, but will try anyway! we love that house coin purse you sent last time!!

andrea creates dijo...

I would love those trims:)
I have an etsy shop:)
Please stop by my blog, I'm also participating in the giveaway day:)

paulette dijo...

Wow! It's like Christmas in Blogland!! Thank you for throwing my name into your give away hat!! Love your give away! I live in Victoria, BC Canada and I'm a retired school teacher.
Take care!

Sara Serna dijo...

Thanks for the giveaway! I live in Portland, Oregon and I'm an executive assistant for a sheriff's office!

polly dijo...

I am writing from Ohio. I sell pies and cheesecakes from a pie factory that we own.

Doina dijo...

I live in Romania. A year ago I discovered quilting on the Internet. Since then I try to learn as much as I can.

merlinthecat dijo...

HI! I'm Cortney and I'm in Lansing Mi and I'm a stay at home mom and jewelry designer, yarn dyer/fiber artist, and all around crafter :) thank you for the chance to win!

Virginia dijo...

Hola!! Escribo desde Montevideo, Uruguay. Soy secretaria y me encanta también el tapiz, tejer, patchwork, hacer ropa, etc. Desde el año pasado tengo un sobrino español (mihermana vive en Orense) o sea me une a España este intercambio contigo y Martín. Me encantaría ganar!!! Gracias por la oportunidad!!

Tong dijo...

Thanks for the giveaway! All the fabrics and the trims look so lovely! I live in Toronto, Canada and I work as a business consultant, although I wish I owned a little shop where I sell fabrics and baked goodies (I love to bake!), and have time to quilt and sew as much as I like. One can dream, right?

Jenna H. dijo...

Great giveaway - thanks!
jmhamlin826 AT yahoo DOT com

Paula Lemos dijo...

Hi! I'm Paula and I live in Lisbon, Portugal. I have a full time job at a non profit organization so I have very little sewing time. But I would love to win to make something for my kids. Thanks!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

Betty Rockit dijo...

Hola! These fabrics are pretty! I live in California, and I work in marketing!

bettyrockit at gmail dot com

Heather dijo...

I'm writing from a little town just north of Toronto, Ontario. I'm a stay at home mom. For now.

Unknown dijo...

i live in Minnesota...USA. I'm a stay at home mom of three kiddos.

Unknown dijo...

i love scraps. they are perfect for small projects!!

im from portland oregon, usa and currently im a mommy. i start school in the fall though for a phd in public administration and policy.

Rachel C dijo...

I'm writing from Indiana and I'm a stay at home mom!
thanks for the giveaway :)

Amber H. dijo...

I'm a stay at home mom to two little girls, and I'm writing from Sandy Utah, USA!

Unknown dijo...

I'm here to discover your place and your Giveaway is so nice !!! I'm writing from far West Britanny (end point of the western coast of France near brest) ! Alone in the dark right now, I'm delecting myself of discovering all these wonderful blogs !!! Next year I'll be In for sure ! Bye Cecilie

Tawny dijo...

I'm writing from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and I'm a stay at home mommy at the moment, but I usually work at a college with deaf and hard of hearing students :)

kt dijo...

I'm writing from my study in Connecticut. For a living, I homeschool my 3 children, take care of the house, and yard, as well as the family. Thanks for the chance to win--I love blue and white!


Nicole dijo...

What a lovely and generous giveaway! Thanks! I am from Detroit, Michigan and I am a French teacher!

Hilda dijo...

I'm from Alberta, Canada!
I'm a stay at home mom who also sews and sells stuff in my etsy shop!

Firesong dijo...

I live in Georgia, USA. I work for the Georgia General Assembly in our State Capitol. I work with our state legislators and it is very exciting work. But I would love to spend all of my time sewing.

Thanks for the generous giveaway.

Liesl dijo...

I live in New Jersey in the US and I work with my Mom (cleaning houses) and sew part time!
Thanks for the chance!

Maevy dijo...

Hello there! I am writing from Quebec City, Canada. I am an accounting technician in a high tech firm, we build instruments to be incorporated in NASA satellites. But I just deal with the money!

Unknown dijo...

I am from in Missouri and I am a housewife!
great giveaway, count me in!

Sara dijo...

I live in New Hampshire in the USA - and I am retired...

nhsarab at yahoo dot com

RosaMaría dijo...

qué lindas cosas!!!! soy RosaMaría y vivo en Guadalajara, México... soy abogada y tengo trabajo de oficina pero fuera de eso en casa cocino, coso, hago patchwork y quilting y últimamente he pensando en poner un límite al tiempo que paso a diario en internet :) también tengo un blog y un sorteo abierto, por si quieres participar!
gracias por la oportunidad!

Jocelyn dijo...

Wow what a very lovely giveaway. I live in Florida and I am a stay at home Mom :-) Thanks for participating in SMS Giveaway Day.

Anónimo dijo...

I'm from Quebec, Canada, and I'm currently a college student. But before that I was a newspaper reporter in several places in Canada.

Hilda dijo...

This is a lovely giveaway - thanks so much! I live in Australia and am basically retired - but not retired from quilting (which is my passion). Still sadly addicted to fabric too!!

Victoria dijo...

I am writing from small town Ohio in the United States. I am a mother, author, and seamstree.

sewfunky dijo...

I'm in NZ and I'm a stay at home mum that spends most of her time crafting the days away!

Please enter me in the draw and don't forget to enter mine!

Tamie dijo...

Hola- I live in Charleston, South Carolina, USA and am the Financial Manager in an Architect's office. I love the blue and white collection.

Jessica dijo...

I am writing to you from Vancouver, Canada where I am a stay at home mom and love it!

Bellgirl dijo...

These fabric remind me of the blue and white plates my mother loves. I'm from Melbourne, Australia, and I'm a mother and a Ph.D.student. Thanks for the giveaway! amo (at) zoic[dot ] org

leigh7911 dijo...

What pretty fabrics!

I live in Dallas, Texas. My main job is making sure my toddler doesn't a) kill herself, b) destroy the house, or c) annoy the dogs too much. My job that gets me a paycheck is pharmacy technician.

Misty.Creek dijo...

I'm a homemaker/mom/laundress/nose-wiper in Kentucky, USA. No paid wages but loads of hugs and kisses.

Heather at Mad Rose Creations dijo...

What a wonderful prize. I live in Washington state. I have a part time job cleaning our local post office and a full time job raising our three sons.

Unknown dijo...

I live in Washington (the state) and right now I am searching for another job - while I enjoy time at with my kids.


Renee G dijo...

Hello - I am Renee from Washington in the United States. I am an accountant by day, and a mom, wife, crafter, quilter, gardener and a little of most everything else. Please enter me in your lovely drawing.

Miss Prickly dijo...

I'm in Portland, Oregon, USA. I'm an elementary teacher, currently coordinating a program for gifted students.

Thank you for the give-away.

Eileen dijo...

from washington state, usa. retired school teacher. been a crafter all my life--don't remember NOT making things--sewed clothes for little dollies i had as a child 50+ years ago. have a great day

Foot Loose and Fancy Free dijo...

Thanks for the giveaways. Great fabrics. I love anything vintage. Even my hubby. I have been sewing for 50+ years. Pattern Designer Taylors, SC.
Sandra Lister

Julie S dijo...

Hi there! I am from the Seattle, Washington area of the U.S.A. and I am a homeschooling mom! Your giveaway looks like it would make up into something feminine and pretty!

GigiElle dijo...

I am in Arlington, Virginia, which is just outside of Washington, DC in the United States. As for my job, I work in international development - we do public health work in developing countries.

Anónimo dijo...

Lovely giveaway, Howdy from Texas. I'm a stay out home mom of 5 kids all under age of 13 and I homeschool :)

Marie dijo...

Hi I am Marie from New Jersey in the United States. I currently take care of 2 of my grandchildren while their parents work. They are 4 and 2 years old. I enjoy it so much. I would love to win your giveaway!

julie k dijo...

I'm in a blue phase right now and I'm loving all of these prints. The trims are just beautiful!

I'm writing from Lincoln NE, USA. I am a work-at-home mom juggling graphic design, writing and raising my daughter.

Love your granny squares in the previous post. I'm addicted to making them!

SewOverwhelmed dijo...

I'm writing from Griffith Indiana USA and I've been a nurse for 25 years. Thanks so much for the great giveaway!

Jennifer S. dijo...

Hello from Southern California. I'm an admin assistant on my way to becoming a professional fine artist :)

CraftyHourMom dijo...

I'm in Alberta, Canada, and I'm a mom for a living! :) Lovely giveaway!

bellsjo dijo...

What a lovely collection of blue and white - you are kind to offer such a great giveaway! I am from the UK and I am a teacher.

Kat dijo...

I am from north east Texas, USA and I am a student. I also work part time in respite care for children with disabilities. Thanks for sharing :-)

Sarah dijo...

hi my name is Sarah and I am in California. I am a homemaker (stay at home and raising my kids) and I have 3 little boys under the age of 4.

Jules@MoonCatFarms dijo...

Thank you for the chance to win! I'm in California and currently work for myself in many various areas.

Rachael dijo...

I love the fabrics.

I am in Christchurch,New Zealand. I am a stay at home Mum, but spend lots of time knitting kids clothes and selling them through my website...

Shelly dijo...

I am a stay at home momma! And I hail from Las Vegas, Nevada!

Thank you for considering me!


Ruby Star dijo...

Hi there. what a sweet giveaway! I'm in tropical north queensland in australia and i earn my keep taking great care of my family.

Serena dijo...

I am writing this in Northern California, and I stay home while my husband makes a living.

Bec Clarke dijo...

That is a beautiful parcel of goodies. I am from Australia and I am a stay at home mum of 2 little kids.

Susana dijo...

Hi! Olá! Hola! I am from Lisbon, Portugal, and I translate. Thanks for a great giveaway!

Deb (Two Cheeky Monkeys) dijo...

Oooh, those trims and fabrics are so sweet!

I live in Melbourne, Australia and I am a retired research scientist who is now a stay at home mum with an online jewellery and art business.

I am also taking part in the SMS giveaway, so please come and visit my blog when you have the time!

debyeo at hotmail dot com

Anónimo dijo...


I'm from Italy and I'm a teacher of juridical subjects...but to to differentiate I create textile jewels too! ;o)

Hugs from Italy,

Katherine dijo...

Kia Ora from New Zealand! I am the editor of a parenting magazine who loves to sew children's clothing and make crafty things on the side.

katrien dijo...

Great,i'm from Belgium and i work in a pepsico factory as a packer.

Liz dijo...

Hi, I'm from Australia and I'm lucky enough to be able to stay home and do what I love most - sew.

Stephanie dijo...

That is awesome

Tanjas Traumberg dijo...


All these stuff is so nice!

I'm from Germany and I'm a stay at home mom. I studied Socialpadagogics and do my very best to not to work but to live with my children! ;-)


SewSuzie dijo...


I live in Brisbane, Australia and I design, and deliver training courses. I sew to maintain my sanity.

Nicole dijo...

Hello! I'm living in New York taking care of the little one (who is having a first birthday tomorrow!)

Sarah dijo...

Hi, I'm writing from Ottawa, Canada where I work as a research drone.

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anónimo dijo...

I am writing from South Bend, IN and I am a stay at home mommy and a late night quilter.

Thank you for giving!

Christine dijo...


I´m from Tyrol / Austria in I teach children from 6-10 years

greetings christine

carmel dijo...

i am from israel
a stay at home mother of 3 kids
in a few monthes when my baby will go to day care, i will serch for a job

Dana Gaffney dijo...

I am in Key Largo, Florida and I am a designer/color consultant for a custom wood cabinet shop.

Lynne dijo...

Beautiful fabrics and trims! I love blues. I'm a teacher in Ottawa, Canada but am currently on maternity leave to take care of my baby girl and 3 year old son. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Nanbon44 dijo...

please enter me in your lovely giveaway thank you ladycolmn(at)aol(dot)com from Florida Gulf Coast area, I am on medical retirement, but I still make charity quilts and tote bags... always need to keep busy.

Peggy dijo...

I am currently from Kokomo, Indiana, USA (we are a military family) and am a mother to 3 boys (2 teenagers) who are very active in sports. So I guess that means at the moment I currently employed as a short order cook, a laundress and a chauffeur.

I love the blues and whites! They would make lovely cases for our pillows on our all white quilt.

Thank you so very much for this opportunity!!

Meredith dijo...

I'm in Lakeland, GA, USA. I'm a mom for a living. I have 6 children from 2 to 16 and they keep me very occupied!

Olelé dijo...

¡Qué bonitas las telas! Cruzo los dedos de los pies :D
Me llamo Karmele y me encanta coser, aunque ahora me dedico a crear abanicos.

♥Duff dijo...

Crazy-cute giveaway! Thank you for putting together this creatively awesome prize! I live outside Chicago, IL, USA. I am a reading teacher for adults.
Pick me Mr. Random number generator!! Ooohhh, Pick me!!

Sara dijo...

I am at Ft Gordon, GA SAHM (stay at home mom) with my 2 yr old boy and my hubby is in the military:) Thank you for pretty fabrics;)

Unknown dijo...

I'm writing from New Orleans, LA... and I'm a receptionist, soon to be stay-at-home mom.


Marianna dijo...

I'm writing from York, UK where I'm finishing my last year at the university. So, I'm still a student, just!

I love the giveaway items :)


Kaylin Keres dijo...

I am from Illinois in the United States! I stay at home with my little boy Jacob!

I love these fabrics, how pretty!

Kaylin Keres dijo...

I live in Champaign, Illinois in the United States. I am a stay at home mom of Jacob and one more on the way!

These fabrics are very pretty!

Erin M. dijo...

Soy enfermera.

Jodie dijo...

Hi, thanks for the giveaway. I am living in Hampshire, England but only for a couple of years until we return to our home in Australia. I am a stay at home mum for now. Wish me luck! I'd love to win :-)

Tara dijo...

I'm in Fort Collins, Colorado and I'm and Innkeeper at a bed and breakfast. The fabric and trims are lovely! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Lichtlein dijo...

WOW, what a wonderful idea!
I'm deeply impressed.

Kind regards from Germany
Claudia alias

Julia Gabriel dijo...

I am writing from Canada and in my free non parenting 5 kids time I am a product reviewer and blogger :)

Mare dijo...

Yo coso, me encanta hacer cosas para niños y la casa!
Saludos desde Chile


thecurryseven dijo...

Writing from the Chicago, IL area...and I'm a homeschooling mom of 9 who sews when I find the time. I love blue fabrics!

thecurryseven at sbcglobal dot net

Nicole dijo...

I'm from North Carolina, USA and I'm a happily unemployed stay at home mama of 2 little ones, with one on the way. I craft and sew during nap time. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Crystal Hendrix dijo...

I am from Orem Utah and I am a homemaker

Kelly O. dijo...

Hi there,
I'm a stay at home mama writing to you from Ontario Canada!
great giveaway! crossing my fingers!

Bridget dijo...

Lovely fabrics, I work as a civil servant in Essex, England, so most of my day is spent listening to members of the public giving excuses for why they missed meetings and of course doing lots of paperwork.

Morgan dijo...

Hej from Sweden! I'm a student, and it usually feels like I'll be that for the rest of my life... I'm definitely ready for summer vacation right about now!
Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Poppyprint dijo...

Hello from Vancouver, Canada! I am a part time quilter, full time mom and retreat organizer! Thanks for the chance to win - stop by my blog and enter, too.

Erica dijo...

I'm writing form Detroit, Michigan. I'm a stay at home mom.

Jennifer dijo...

I teach art and I am from Illinois, USA. Love the trims!

Morgan dijo...

Those fabrics are so clean and fresh! I'm writing from the countryside of New York and I'm a mama. So I guess for a living I spend my husband's paycheck. ;)

JJ dijo...

I'm in sunny San Diego! (are you jealous?!) Right now I stay at home with my son but prior I was a teacher. LOVE blues and whites...

Stephanie dijo...

Upstate New York, USA. I stay home with my kids all day and try to make them laugh!

Lisa dijo...

I live in South Dakota, USA and am a loan officer at a small financial institution. It is not my dream job, but it pays the bills.

Mama Lusco dijo...

Fun! I'm from Oregon, USA and a registered nurse but presently staying at home with my 2 year old. Thanks for the great giveaway! luscofamily(at)

Amanda ~ A Crafty Fox dijo...

I am writing from a very small town in Utah in the US and I work as a waitress at a Mexican restaurant.

Thos trims make me smile too! Thanks for the fun giveaway!

whitney reeder dijo...

thanks for the giveaway!

i'm from oregon, and i take care of my daughter at home. it's the best job.

Elizabeth Johnson dijo...

I am a nanny and full time literature student in Portland, OR. Great giveaway, thanks!

Courtney dijo...

Hola....that is the extent of my espanol:) I am from Southern NH in the US. I work at a hotel in the accounting department:) Thanks for the giveaway!

mon ami dijo...

what an exciting bundle of blue!

I am in vancouver Canada and at the moment I am a full time mama and part time crafter.

thanks for sharing!

Carla dijo...

I am from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada. My profession is a postpartum nurse. My passion is being a wife and mother.

Thanks for a chance to win your great giveaway!

carlamo (at) ymail (dot) com

Unknown dijo...

I love blue and white! I'm a lawyer in San Francisco, California.

camelama dijo...

Ooo I love the trims! I am in Seattle, Washington (USA) and I am a Project Manager.

alli b dijo...

I am from Ontario, Canada and work at a local university.

Great giveaway, thanks.
alli b

sarah dijo...

Hi there. I'm writing from the Sierra foothills of Northern California where I am a full-time mom of four kids. Love blue and love these prints! Hope I win!

Shirley dijo...

I'm writing from Finland. I'm unemployed at the moment but I usually work with children.

Hananeko dijo...

I'm a small business owner from California who loves to quilt and craft in my free time!

sherri s. dijo...

Muchas gracias! I'm visiting your blog from San Diego, California, and I edit art books for a living; I also have an Etsy shop. Thank you!

Lisa Bee dijo...

I'm in Portland, Oregon (USA).

I'm a teacher. I used to teach high school, but now teach mostly community college.

~Laurie~ dijo...

So nice to meet you! That's what I love about these SewMamaSew giveaways - so many people to see and meet. I love meeting people all over the world that share the same interests that I do!! And I love fabric too :)

I am a Mom of 4 children - married for 24 years to my best friend. I work at home - the old word was housewife. I love to quilt and do embroidery. I also LOVE to garden. I live in New England - the state of Maine but am moving to Texas this summer.

Someday I am going to travel to Spain and Portugal - all of my ancestors are from Portugal :) I am a third generation American.

I signed up to follow you - I hope to be able to see what you create in the future! Come visit my blog for a chance to win some fabric -

Gaye dijo...

Hello from North Vancouver BC.
As you probably saw my name is Gaye.
What do I do....... good question. right now I pretty well spend my time looking after my 83 year old mom quilt and sew and help at church, (usually quilting and sewing)
your fabric looks wonderful,thank you.

Dusty dijo...

What a fun giveaway - I never have any trims!

I'm from Illinois in the US and I'm a stay at home mom to two children.

Leah dijo...

I love those trims thanks for the chance to win.

Richelle dijo...

I live in VA and stay home with my two little boys!

Elysia Isham dijo...

New Harmony, IN
Freelance Designer and stay at home mom!

woolybooger dijo...

The blue and white fabric looks so cool and clean. I am Nicole and live in Atlanta, Georgia. I am a stay at home mother. I used to be a paralegal for the school district and loved my job, but being a momma is more important right now. Thanks for the chance to win.

Megilon dijo...

I love the fabrics! I am from Virginia and I am a Communications Coordinator for a church by day...and a bead and fabric artist by night.

adrienne dijo...

Oh, what a fun giveaway! And my favourite colours too!

I live in Canada, near Toronto. And I am a librarian.

Anónimo dijo...

thanks for the giveaway. I live in Canada and am a retired teacher.

Erin dijo...

I am from Washington state, USA and I work with foster children.

Bluestripe55 dijo...

I am a stay at home mom in Phoenix Arizona. I am new at it but i enjoy having a little extra time to be creative at home. Love your giveaway.

amyross06 at gmail dot com

katevet dijo...

I'm a SAHM and I love your giveaway!
Hugs from Israel :)

Paper Tiger dijo...

Hi! I'm writing from Boulder, Colorado, and I'm a book editor for a living.

Laura dijo...

I am writing from California and I take care of my daughter and work with young children and their families.

Helen dijo...

Lovely Giveaway. I'm writing from New Zealand and I'm a part time finance clerk for a of the time i'm a mum.

Helen dijo...

Lovely giveaway, I'm writing from New zealand. i work as a finance clerk for a school, part time. rest of the time i'm a mum.

Freda dijo...

This is such a great giveaway! I'm a stay at home mom in Alaska.

sy dijo...

the fabrics look nice :D thanks for hosting the giveaway! i'm from redmond washington and i'm a programmer

Kari dijo...

Such beautiful fabrics! Thanks for the chance to enter.

I'm kaygee from Northern Ireland and I work as a PA to an architect...and I love it!! xo

karibgillespie at gmail dot com

Sew Here We Are dijo...

Am from America, the state of Texas!! I get paid to be a church secretary, am a wife and mother of 2 adult daughters and grandma to grandson Ty, the joy of my life!! Thanks for the chance at winning your give-away...have a blessed week :-)

Viryi dijo...

Soy Virginia, de Zaragoza. Trabajo como administrativa, pero si me guardas el secreto te diré que empleo parte de mi jornada laboral en idear broches, prendas para mis sobris...
Soy aficionada a todo y a nada en concreto. Demasiadas inquietudes : )
Últimamente ando iniciándome en el mundo de los tocados y se me han ocurrido mil ideas con esas telas y cintas!

Espero tener suerte.
Enhorabuena por tu blog!

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